Demand Generation
Demand Generation Team
Demand Generation Team
How do you transition from sales to a demand generation role?
As someone with a wealth of experience in marketing and sales, from strategic to operational, what advice would you have for someone looking to transition from a sales role to demand generation? I love being involved in this pillar of the company and no longer in a front-facing sales position. What steps do you recommend I take to make this move successfully
1 Answer
What is your advice for creating and/or improving the demand generation process when joining a small but growing team?
Particularly for a small company with no or little structure?
2 Answers
Novos modelos de negócio exigem muita venda conceitual, como comprovar resultado se aínda estamos no início do novo produto?
Introduzir tecnogia ao cotidiano.medico na busca por desenvolver uma base de dados que permita leituras menos empíricas e mais baseados na realidade e oportunidades que aparecem nos dados.
1 Answer