Product Marketing
Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

How do you recommend setting up a process for marketing to support sales when that doesn't already exist? Think scrappy startup phase! :)
I'm a product marketer who has never had to work with sales before because I've always worked for low-cost B2C SaaS companies that have a short marketing funnel without handholding needed for sales. I'm currently working with an early-stage client that is just starting to put together marketing materials and email flows.
4 Answers
How do you navigate sales enablement at a startup that serves multiple sectors of the market and has limited resources?
We are moving upstream from working with executive search firms and recruitment agencies to working with in-house enterprise and MM companies. Each type of firm needs the software for recruitment purposes, but each has different pain points and feature interests within the platform
4 Answers
How do we get Sales more involved pre-launch to better the odds of our launch success?
We have a lot of stakeholders involved during our launch process. Sales is the most important, yet the least involved pre-launch.
6 Answers
What are the most powerful, non-executive, relationships in sales departments a PMM can create?
When it comes to PMM core duties, typically who are the best partners in the sales org, who has the knowledge and the customer touch points to really help PMMs win?
5 Answers
Who do you think should own product documentation meant for users (i.e, help articles, knowledge base, how-to, FAQs, product videos etc.)?
Product Marketing Product Management Independent technical writing team Customer success / support
4 Answers
What does good instructional design look like?
Oftentimes, Sales has short attention spans, and it can be a challenge to cover all they need to know around a product launch, competitor update, pricing change, and more
1 Answer
How do you measure the contribution of Product Marketing to the growth result?
Oftentimes, PMM does not directly execute the campaign but rather provides a foundation or collaterals for sales and marketing to use. How do we calculate our percentage of contribution to the final results?
4 Answers
How do you measure the effectiveness of your sales content?
I'm struggling to determine whether my sales reps are actually using content, and if its helping them win deals.
8 Answers
What is the best tool to store/distribute your marketing and sales assets?
I'm using Sharepoint currently, but there clearly is a room for improvement. What would be your advise on the best instrument?
5 Answers
How do we capture competitor pricing in a sales-led enterprise business?
My sales team at my B2B software company wants to know more about how our competitors price their products.
2 Answers
What's the most reliable way to measure performance of intangible sales enablement (such as training, objection handling, trap setting)?
For instance, it's easy to jerry-rig performance to a one-sheeter that was sent in the course of a deal, but I'm having trouble finding ways to measure performance for intangible efforts that improve sales performance but isn't easily attributable to revenue.
5 Answers
How do you tell a multi-product story through sales collateral?
for example, how do you tie products to fit together instead of going to market with one product/one focus point?
5 Answers
Is there a framework for creating good sales enablement decks for new B2B products or training new sales rep on your product?
Eg: How do you structure it? I can imagine some standard sections such as Competition, Market Problem but are there standard "must haves" section that have worked well.
6 Answers
When should a company start thinking about creating a separate sales enablement function?
Sales Enablement is now seen as a new functional area in many organizations separate from Product Marketing.
5 Answers
What should I include in my product marketing budget?
I already have things like Customer Visits, a Sales Enablement / Content Management tool, SKO, pricing model consulting.
8 Answers
If your messaging isn't landing, how do you know if it's because it needs to be reworked or because sales has poor delivery?
If it's because your sales reps have poor delivery, should you rework your messaging anyways, or rework training and enablement?
6 Answers