Product MarketingProduct Marketing Team
Building a Product Marketing Team

Building a Product Marketing Team

What KPI's do you set and track for your product marketing team?
How do you measure success for a product launch?
2 Answers
How do you proactively identify areas of the business where PMM can add the most value and make the biggest impact?
i.e. do you have a few questions you keep in your back pocket or assumptions that you always test when assessing the business and choosing which things to pursue?
5 Answers
How do you communicate product marketing achievements upwards and build visibility?
It can sometimes be a struggle for those on the executive team, or in higher leadership roles, to see the value that product marketing is bringing to the business - especially if they do not have regular interaction. How do you build visibility for you and/or your team, and clearly communicate the achievements and activities throughout the year?
5 Answers
What advise would you give a junior PMM who has minimal GTM experience interviewing for PMM roles?
I want more GTM experience and my current company doesn't have many new launches
2 Answers
7 Answers
for Dev software, how do you go about building a PMM team when you are the first hire for the function and that's the first measure of your success?
early-stage, post-PMF, series A funded company. devs and data teams core audience. head of Marketing already aboard who's also been a PMM all their life. by-stage advice for hiring team members over, say, eighteen months, will be helpful.
1 Answer
We are growing our product marketing team, and I'm wondering how to structure the roles and work for a team of three.
i want to know who i need to hire to start my product marketing team. We are starting with product insights, product launches and sales enablement
9 Answers
How do you prepare yourself to become a Product Marketing Director and manage a team, without any experience managing anyone previously?
I'm on my 5th year of product marketing in my career, with another 5 years before that in general demand gen at very small companies. I've had management experience in the past, but not in a Product Marketing role. Often times in smaller companies, there will be 1 or 2 PMMs, usually in a very flat hierarchy, or a single boss, with no room to really move up a proverbial ladder and into management experience. So what are ways that I can prepare myself now, so that if the time comes to apply for a Director position (either internally or at another company) that I can be considered even without recent people management experience? Are there any courses for this that are highly regarded in the management arena?
8 Answers
How do product marketing key stakeholders from other departments change as your company grows?
Ex) <10 employees you meet with CEO and Head of Product—how does this change when you're 100, 500, 1000 employees?
6 Answers
How do you motivate your product marketing direct reports with upward movement when there may not be opportunities for people management.
How do you show them their scope/responsibility is increasing and clearly mark career advancement?
7 Answers