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For products that serve both B2B and B2C, how do you bring about a differentiation between their B2B and B2C Product Marketing since there might be a lot of overlap of Personas and JTBD (Jobs to Be Done) across both?

As a product marketer how would they tell the story to both sides of the coin, where it's the same user but their JTBD has changed.
John Hurley
John Hurley
Notion Head of Product MarketingMay 3

Good question. Constant tension. Don't abandon the consumer, but focus on where do we make money (b2b).

Find the right investments and channels that will support the consumer (community, influencer, social, specific time-relevant consumer campaigns like 'Back to School' or 'New Year Resolutions'), but we focus 80% of time on B2B audiences and use cases because that's the core of the business. Only once we really feel we have the B2B side nailed do we think about the consumer side. Whenever possible, we look at the assets we develop for say a big launch, and we ask whether or not this product or use case has consumer value and does the asset and message speak to both B2B and consumer.

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