Product Marketing Career Path

Why do product marketing jobs have high turnover?
Most of my marketing colleagues have either gotten fired, laid off, or found a new job within the past 18 months. I've personally have been laid off 5 times and left on my own 5 times in the past 10 years. Why such high churn in marketing?
8 Answers
What is the best way to prepare a mock Go-To-Market plan for a product in a very precise and concise way, when asked in an interview?
I usually come across an interview round wherein I am handed the task of preparing a mock GTM plan for a product. I find it pretty vague as expectations vary widely and I am usually confused about what all to include and how to represent. Is there any example?
13 Answers
How do you perform extensive competitive product research?
I've been tasked with it but I'm missing the mark. This research is for the CEO and Product/Engineering teams who want to know how our tech stacks up in the market. Do you have any tips?
15 Answers
What advice would you give a junior product marketing manager who is the first product marketing hire?
I don't want to just be a launch project manager or a new releases copywriter.
10 Answers
If your product marketing team is only or two people responsible for covering multiple products with complex features, how would you recommend dividing the workload in the short-term so as best to support long-term growth and expansion of the team?
(context: small company, still establishing product marketing function, no senior marketing leader to guide, lots of room to carve own path, looking for best ways to support success!)
9 Answers
What's your best product marketing 30-60-90 day plan to make a big impact at a new company?
I'm starting a new job next week! Would love to hear your top tips in general as well as at the director level.
24 Answers
When considering a candidate, how much weight do former titles hold?
For example, a senior manager PMM title at a small company may hold the same responsibilities of a manager or lead PMM title at a large enterprise. I've heard many in my network worried to take a "dip in title" when moving in fear that it will hurt their resume progression. I'm interested to hear your take on it!
3 Answers
What separates a good PMM from a great PMM?
I'm an individual contributor at the manager level, and I'm looking to see how I can eventually get promoted to the next level!
1 Answer
How would you structure a response to an interview question when they ask about your GTM experience with launching a new product when your only experience with GTM is launching new features?
This has been a hindrance on my experience as I have only worked for a B2B SaaS company that only has 1 product, thus my only GTM experience is in launching new features, which can be explained in great detail, but several jobs I have interviewed for lately seem to want someone with direct product launch experience (and maybe there's just no way around that).
1 Answer
How do you break into a product marketing role?
I've seen associate roles that still require 1-3 years of experience and haven't gotten results from applying for them with transferable skills highlighted in my resume.
7 Answers
What should I do when I don't think that the feedback from my boss is correct and how do I approach it?
I get a lot of critical feedback from my boss and I don't always know what to do with it or how to improve. Sometimes I don't even agree with the feedback.
7 Answers
What advice do you have for a current product marketing manager who's looking to grow his/her career in product marketing?
What type of opportunities should current product marketers seek out in order to best position themselves to lead the product marketing function at a company?
7 Answers
How do you communicate product marketing achievements upwards and build visibility?
It can sometimes be a struggle for those on the executive team, or in higher leadership roles, to see the value that product marketing is bringing to the business - especially if they do not have regular interaction. How do you build visibility for you and/or your team, and clearly communicate the achievements and activities throughout the year?
5 Answers
What team structures have you explored, and which do you recommend?
When building a new PMM team, how would you think about structuring the team when product-alignment isn't a clear cut answer (ie, our platform isn't ready for distinct ownership of feature sets)?
1 Answer
How have you set yourself up for promotion at a company?
This is in relation to not moving companies for a promotion it’s about how to get promoted at the existing company you are at. Also would love any insights to how establish the organization was in marketing as it relates to promote-ability.
1 Answer
What's the earliest stage a startup should consider hiring a Product Marketing Manager?
I'm curious if you've observed the impact of adding a PMM to smaller organizations or if you think they're most impactful in larger organizations?
10 Answers