Market Research

14 Answers
What are some methods or tools, apart from interviews & surveys, you use to research and understand customer needs in-depth?
I'm helping PMs with customer and product discovery and looking for tips to increase the sources of information for my research.
3 Answers
How and where do you store your buyer personas, messaging and positioning? What is the format that you use?
I've recently joined a new company and I'm struggling to find out the best way to share new assets with our teams. I was thinking about putting this into some kind of e-book that would become some kind of "bible" about our products (we have 3). Do you have any other ideas?
3 Answers
How can a marketing leader at an early-stage startup effectively gather insights from new market segments when the company has limited resources and no existing relationships with potential customers in those segments?
Company has 100 clients in same segment but wants to venture out into others. So I can interview current clients but I am more interested in how to get info from new segments you don’t have access to (and don’t have a budget to hire an agency / research team).
1 Answer
How do you manage market research efforts? For example, for a GTM, do you do market research in-house or with an agency?
How do PMMs work with MKT researchers or data scientists if it's in-house? Can you briefly describe the process from briefing to interpreting research work if it's external?
1 Answer
What are your favorite platforms/vendors for facilitating customer research?
Quickly, accurately, reliably (particularly for smaller organizations and PMM teams)
3 Answers
Which research activities does your product marketing team do internally, and which research activities do you outsource?
I'm trying to figure out how to structure my team, and what to use external resources for.
3 Answers
How have you historically sourced people to interview while developing personas?
Especially if you don't have any customers that fit the bill my current plan is to assemble a list of possible titles and have my virtual assistant company prospect for and find contact details for them then probably send out a survey to validate if they're the right people to talk to and reach out individually to the ones that fit the bill.
10 Answers
Can you share your experience about segmentation and personas definition?
I'm so sure it is so important for good products being focus on an addecuate segmentation or undestand personas, but what do you consider are the steps or the best process for getting a good segmentation?
6 Answers
Do you have any tips for performing market research with limited resources—both manpower and financial?
We don't have enough people to conduct lots of interviews or the money to hire a research firm or pay for reports they've already created. How can a one-person PMM team best spend their time and efforts to do effective market research that informs product, marketing, and sales strategies?
5 Answers
I'm looking for tips and advice on building an effective buyer journey: Do you have any insights on how to effectively map and orchestrate a learning->buying cycle, considering a B2B Saas Product?
We're currently revisiting our content strategy here at Resultados Digitais, and some help on the subject would be very valuable. Our main challenges include: - Finding which types of of subject/content/format/channel work better, and in which stage of the journey; and - Understand how far should we go on segmenting and personalizing our strategy, and under which axis (demographics, persona, etc);
3 Answers