Product Launches

How important are brand marketing skills for product marketers compared to analytical skills?
There is often a huge emphasis on analytical skills, instead of brand marketing skills, when it comes to product marketing job descriptions.
16 Answers
How do you best structure and leverage beta releases to assist the product team (with iteration, feedback) and Product Marketing (positioning, messaging, enablement, onboarding)?
How do you collect information from users and disseminate between teams? What does an ideal timeline for a beta look like?
7 Answers
How do you manage the internal communication of releases?
Any tips for this to happen recurrently and clearly for all stakeholders who need to know this information in advance?
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9 Answers
Do you ever delay a feature or product "launch" after it's already been released by engineering?
Curious if you group features together to create a cohesive theme, or if they are generally "launched" when they are released.
2 Answers
How do you think about timing for launches and how much say do you have? Is there a strategy to try to maximize impact or is it based on when product will have it finished?
Also, how much impact do external factors have on launch timing (i.e. competitor launches, economic factors, and other forces out of your control)?
4 Answers
When re-launching a product in the market through a different lens of value, how would you create the demand for it, and what campaigns would you run?
We're about a launch a new product that's creating a new category, but is largely solving some of the core issues with the "old way". Since it's potentially a "new way vs old way" narrative, how should I design marketing and sales to create demand and education for this product?
1 Answer
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What do you use or do to get people to buy into your positioning plans and consistently using them?
The product marketers job typically revolves around positioning a product. Sometimes, it can be difficult to align sales, marketing, and product teams around your positioning.
10 Answers
Have you ever been part of a launch where the eng/product team brought in product marketers or customers after work has kicked off (but before launch) and influenced feature development? What was that like?
Sometimes when product kicks off work they have assumptions about how people think about certain features. Marketing, support, and even customers can come to the table with real stories that may invalidate the assumptions product had early on in the feature dev process.
4 Answers
What are uncommon reasons a product launch would fail or underperform?
There are common reasons like sub-optimal messaging or pricing, but what overlooked areas in the product launch process, if not addressed, can lead to failure, and how can product marketers de-risk those situations?
4 Answers
What does internal communication look like leading up to a product launch? How are teams looped in?
Do teams have their respective launch lists? Is there a weekly meeting leading up to the launch?
4 Answers
In your eyes, what's product marketing's role in the launch? What's key to ensure it's smooth?
What are the key deliverables PMM provides? What gets handed off to other teams to run with and create?
4 Answers
How does a product launch differ depending on the size of the company?
How does a lean small startup launch look different than a product launch at a place like Loom?
5 Answers