Product Marketing
Market Research

Market Research

How do you drive culture change with market research?
I'm hoping to influence Product and Design to talk to users more and build a clear picture of our user. The team will often refer to themselves as "the consumer" when they're not in our target demographic?
10 Answers
Can you share your tips on making a great analyst briefing deck?
I'm about to make my companies first analyst briefing deck. I've made them in the past but want to make a really kick ass one this time around.
7 Answers
How do you best structure and leverage beta releases to assist the product team (with iteration, feedback) and Product Marketing (positioning, messaging, enablement, onboarding)?
How do you collect information from users and disseminate between teams? What does an ideal timeline for a beta look like?
7 Answers
What questions do you ask users when trying to improve user onboarding from a product marketing perspective?
I'm a product marketing who has been tasked with helping to improve the onboarding experience from a product marketing point of view (emails, comms, in app messages. I have a list of new users that haven't returned to the platform and I'd love some thoughts, feedback, and insights from previous experience.
8 Answers
Is competitive positioning an output of a feature or a marketing story?
I see a lot of battles between start-ups about similar features/products; I myself have tried to position our product with a differentiated story not always backed by features. What's the ideal approach? Where does one draw the line?
3 Answers
What are some of your favorite interview questions to ask customers when doing market research on segmentation?
I'm responsible for the healthcare vertical in North America, and there are different kinds of healthcare staffing that have differing needs, requirements, and sometimes use cases.
2 Answers
What are some of your favorite interview questions to ask when conducting market research?
I'm responsible for healthcare staffing in North America, and different kinds of healthcare staffing have differing pain points, requirements, and use cases.
1 Answer
How do you perform extensive competitive product research?
I've been tasked with it but I'm missing the mark. This research is for the CEO and Product/Engineering teams who want to know how our tech stacks up in the market. Do you have any tips?
15 Answers
How do you showcase or describe to interviewers your work in messaging and positioning, without actually showing documented work?
Also, how to actually show its success, as this is something that may take awhile before seeing a growth trend and can you directly actually attribute a particular success metric on messaging?
11 Answers
How do you tailor B2B buyer personas when your product spans multiple industry verticals?
The product in question is related to energy management and caters to diverse verticals such as agriculture, paper production, and crypto mining. While typically a PMM would craft distinct buyer personas for the purchase journey, handling multiple verticals might result in around 15 personas, which is too much. How do you approach buyer personas in this case? Are personas still essential in this case?
1 Answer
Do you have recommendations for agencies and/or consultants for deep persona development work?
Including research (survey interviews), creating of persona documents, and potentially training teams.
1 Answer
What market research do you do to segment your market, understand each segment's needs, and inform the build/buy/partner strategy? And how do you share those insights?
I'm working at a company where we're trying to unlock new industries that we as a company need to have a better understanding of.
1 Answer
How do you create buyer and customer personas at a B2B early-stage startup if there aren't any customers yet?
What do you recommend just creating a few hypothetical personas initially and adjust/update as you learn of new information, or something else?
1 Answer
Given the scarcity of data in B2B markets, how can companies rely on research to inform their product marketing activities?
Due to fewer customer transactions and engagements, the scarcity of data in B2B markets comes with challenges for relying solely on statistical methods. This can also be said for smaller companies.
1 Answer