Janet Standen

Janet Standen

Co-Founder, Scoot Insights - Agile, Efficient, Effective.


Janet Standen
Janet Standen
Scoot Insights - Agile, Efficient, Effective. Co-FounderNovember 27
Keep them simple. Make them as visual as possible. Define their distinctive characteristics as they relate to your product/service. Stick posters up around the building of them so that everyone "gets to know them". Keep them on a sharable platform, so that you can have a "front page" for each and then more information about them if someone wants to know more! Find a way to present them together on one slide, so that people can see how they are different from each other. Does this help?
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Janet Standen
Janet Standen
Scoot Insights - Agile, Efficient, Effective. Co-FounderNovember 27
I've used Gotowebinar, Blue Jeans and Zoom. My favorite is zoom - user-friendly, better layout. I also like Gotowebinar - I've had no problems with either of these. Blue Jeans can get a little fussy to use!
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Janet Standen
Janet Standen
Scoot Insights - Agile, Efficient, Effective. Co-FounderJanuary 6
Nice thought John - the challenge of boiling down lots of different data sources into a concentrated syrup of goodness. As an independent qualitative researcher, I couldn't agree more, BUT be sure to share your strategic context and clear objectives with your researcher so they know beyond a doubt, and feel, exactly what it is that might be the essence of a solution!
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Credentials & Highlights
Co-Founder at Scoot Insights - Agile, Efficient, Effective.
Lives In San Francisco, California
Knows About Product Launches, Messaging, Market Research