What webinar services have you used and which ones do you like the most?
I've used Cisco/WebEx, BrightCove and On24 over the years. They are all decent and are all good enough for most organizations' needs. On24 was the slickest with the most bells and whistles. It integrates with Marketo - not sure about Hubspot, but I would assume it does as well.
Incidentally, I'm a huge Zoom fan for non-webinar use cases. I have a few clients who have built out Zoom Rooms. It's incredibly slick. You schedule a meeting , click "add zoom" in your calendar, pick the conference room and literally walk into the room and click a single button and you're online in the right meeting with video, audio and everything else up and running.
Zoom seems to have become the standard in Silicon Valley enterprise companies recently. I do like Zoom and recommend it. The prior standard, GotoMeeting, unfortunately has suffered from a serious lack of investment and is no longer a professional-grade product, in my view. I get better performance from FreeConferenceCall.com than from GTM.
It depends on what you'd like to accomplish - Zoom is great for video because you can shift between a very personal feeling like showing all participants on video, to more formal broadcasting with focusing on you as a single speaker or spotlighting an entire panel. I don't think Zoom's chat function is as robust as it could be compared to other tools, so if you're dependent on that to surface questions or engage customers you might look at others. We've used GoToWebinar and Crowdcast as well. If you're looking for webinars as a lead funnel versus engaging with or educating existing / known customers you'll value different features.
I've really enjoyed using Livestorm for webinars. They have an integration with Hubspot and have been steadily improving the platform. Also think it's great that attendees don't have to download anything.
Zoom has been great / better for non-webinar use cases - video calls & collective meetings.
I've used Gotowebinar, Blue Jeans and Zoom. My favorite is zoom - user-friendly, better layout. I also like Gotowebinar - I've had no problems with either of these. Blue Jeans can get a little fussy to use!
Zoom has already been mentioned, so I will give my other favorite which is Genndi. Really great tool and not too expensive! All the features met the needs that are need by my international and domestic team.
Additionally, We us this for our weekly meetings, so I can personally attest to its credibility.