Question Page

What intangibles separate the top sales reps from the rest?

Andrew Zinger
Andrew Zinger
Fastly Senior Director, Global Sales EnablementJanuary 10

Another great question and one that will certainly differ from executive to executive. However, in my experience some of the top intangibles for the top performers I have seen include:

- Confidence and a winning personality. Now, I don't want to confuse 'confidence' with 'ego' have 'confidence' is to believe in yourself and your own abilities. 'Ego' on the other hand operates out of self interest, and 'lone wolves' do NOT work in today's high performing sales teams.

- Being a 'consultant' and expert in your industry. Now, I don't expect every seller on the team to be able to lead a 'Ted Talk', but do your homework with your top accounts - understand the top challenges and opportunities in the industry they are facing. Read up on the company and understand what they are trying to achieve in their current environment, and get to know the motivation for your contact - what are they trying to achieve and how can they be your champion?

- Customer focus and appreciation. The sales teams I want to be most associated with are ones that realize the customer relationship truly begins once the deal has closed. Too often sellers are off to the next chance to retire quota, and they lose sight of the long term benefits of being customer centric. Think 'seed and grow', not 'sell and go'. Also, being responsive and available to your accounts, whether 'prospects' or 'customers' is also key. People will remember those who respond in a timely fashion to any outreach from their accounts - goes back to the earlier point of differentiating yourself in small, but significant ways, and helps grow customer confidence and retention.

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Katie Harkins
Katie Harkins
UserTesting VP of SalesJuly 6

Intangible sales qualities are charisma, confidence, enthusiasm in the product or the problem you're solving, emotional intelligence, perseverance, authenticity, adaptability. If you're the top sales rep at your company, you weren't always early in your career. Remember to take care of the people below you who are supporting you. It goes a long way!

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