How do you handle objections or concerns that come up during the discovery process?
1 Answer
HubSpot Head of Corporate Sales, West Coast • March 29
If you're getting objections that early in the sales process, it's a red flag. It's critical in sales to disqualify and to do it as early as possible. Time is your greatest asset. Of course, if your prospect is asking questions or voicing concerns as part of their due diligence, answer and address, but if you are getting objections or push back, my advice would be to go negative and say something along the lines of "It doesn't seem as though this is the best fit. Would you agree?" If they do not agree and think the conversations should continue, they will tell you why and you've tied them down a bit in the process.
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HubSpot Head of Corporate Sales, West Coast, Sarah Mercedes (Osborne) on Discovery Tactics
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