Product Marketing KPI's

What can I include in my marketing portfolio to standout from the crowd as a product marketing candidate.
I'm new to Product Marketing. In the interviews that I've done, I am being asked to present a marketing portfolio.
16 Answers
What metric, goal or KPI can you put on providing competitive intelligence to the company or product teams?
I work in a company that measures the impact of all projects, but admittedly this is a difficult area to track. Would love to any suggestions/thoughts.
15 Answers
What does your product marketing team org structure look like?
Do you simply have Product Marketers by product/portfolio? Do you have a release communications manager? Someone in sales enablement? What other roles exist in your product marketing teams today?
15 Answers
What are good product marketing OKRs?
I would like to know what metrics are used to measure PMM and what does good look like
10 Answers
How do you perform extensive competitive product research?
I've been tasked with it but I'm missing the mark. This research is for the CEO and Product/Engineering teams who want to know how our tech stacks up in the market. Do you have any tips?
15 Answers
What advice would you give a junior product marketing manager who is the first product marketing hire?
I don't want to just be a launch project manager or a new releases copywriter.
10 Answers
What's your best product marketing 30-60-90 day plan to make a big impact at a new company?
I'm starting a new job next week! Would love to hear your top tips in general as well as at the director level.
24 Answers
What are some of the *worst* KPIs for Product Marketers to commit to achieving?
There are many questions about the best KPIs to track, but none about the worst.
4 Answers
How do you communicate product marketing achievements upwards and build visibility?
It can sometimes be a struggle for those on the executive team, or in higher leadership roles, to see the value that product marketing is bringing to the business - especially if they do not have regular interaction. How do you build visibility for you and/or your team, and clearly communicate the achievements and activities throughout the year?
5 Answers
How do you develop quarterly/annual PMM OKRs and tie those to individual projects?
My team used to do a lot of large campaigns so revenue was a really easy target to forecast over a specific time frame and establish as a key result target. However, for a bunch of smaller feature launches that are supposed to drive product adoption/engagement, it is a little trickier to parse out the impact PMM should drive and tie that back to team objectives. One approach I've thought about is setting high-level quarterly objectives for PMM (e.g. drive X monthly active users) and then evaluate feature launches/projects as levers to achieve that overall OKR (so the smaller launches aren't objectives in themselves, but bundled together they help achieve a larger OKR). The feature launches may also have more specific KPIs to measure success (eg X% of users adopt), but they should still ladder up to the north start quarterly metric.
2 Answers
What's the most reliable way to measure performance of intangible sales enablement (such as training, objection handling, trap setting)?
For instance, it's easy to jerry-rig performance to a one-sheeter that was sent in the course of a deal, but I'm having trouble finding ways to measure performance for intangible efforts that improve sales performance but isn't easily attributable to revenue.
5 Answers