Stakeholder Management

How often and when do you typically get feedback on collateral from the teams that will use it?
I've found that it's valuable to get feedback from 1-3 reps on a high-quality first draft, and sometimes, even the final version to ensure it will work for the team it's using it, but it often takes more time than I'd like
2 Answers
What advice do you have for navigating multiple stakeholders with conflicting feedback when creating sales enablement?
I have one stakeholder who really should only be an inform but is acting like a decision-maker, and the conflicting feedback I'm getting is prolonging the creation process 5x. I've also got a design team that needs a lot of handholding, which is difficult for me since it's not my specialty.
7 Answers
As a product marketer, what are some examples of the types of insights you used to gain insight from internal stakeholders?
Specifically types of questions that work best to draw out the information you need.
4 Answers
How can I make it easier for my team and stakeholders to work with me on the marketing launch timeline when engineering releases are sometimes delayed?
Any tips for setting expectations and not losing team’s trust while ensuring we have a timeline to work towards?
6 Answers
Knowing that people in different functions and different levels of leadership often need different approaches to storytelling in decks, docs, and shareouts for key strategic projects, do you have any tricks for thinking through whether it's worth the work to "reskin" docs and decks for these diverse stakeholders?
I suppose with executive level comms, it's more obvious, but how do you manage work that's in-flight that requires as many as 5 PMs, in addition to analysts, designers, marketers, and more? How do you keep people "in the loop" at the right level of fidelity without opening up a can of worms and adding complexity? A DACI model is great, but has its limits.
3 Answers
How do you approach an environment where there has been no formal launch process and make sure you get the buy-in from engineering and product management?
This is especially a problem in smaller, owner-led companies who don't realize they need product marketing and/or an official launch process. Thanks!
1 Answer
What's your approach to competitive differentiation?
How does this inform your core messaging, how do you enable sales to understand what makes you different/better, how do you know if it's working with your target buyers?
14 Answers
How does your company define the difference between product marketing and integrated / brand / customer marketing?
Do you see value in having both roles, e.g. Integrated team works more closely with the creative team on seasonal/holiday/brand campaigns whereas Product Marketing works more closely with the Product team on product launches, user research/insights, positioning strategy, etc. I have found it challenging for Product Marketing to own all of this, and often see different skill sets from marketers who are great at creative brand campaigns vs. PMMs who are skilled at positioning a new product and bringing it to market.
8 Answers
How do you communicate product marketing achievements upwards and build visibility?
It can sometimes be a struggle for those on the executive team, or in higher leadership roles, to see the value that product marketing is bringing to the business - especially if they do not have regular interaction. How do you build visibility for you and/or your team, and clearly communicate the achievements and activities throughout the year?
5 Answers
What's a good way to approach decisions that UX/design feels they should own vs. Marketing feels they should own?
I've seen this quite a few times when it comes to brand related items both in terms of developing and brand keeping guidelines, as well as tone of voice where design has assumed they should have a stronger say.
3 Answers
I am product marketer for an enterprise-level ERP. I am faced with a situation where I do not have access to the end-users of the software. The account managers are willing to help me acquire the user list but we are debating the best ways to acquire the same. Have you been in a such a situation and done something great about it?
The list of end-users with their details will allow us to target educational product content that will help them do their jobs better. We would like to engage them via such content and also the Product Managers will benefit a lot from this direct access to end-users.
2 Answers