How do you go about resolving conflict between team members?
Conflicts become entrenched when what was a simple, solvable problem, starts sweeping up other issues to become a messy amorphous thing. So many times with team members have come to me with an issue that is really a half dozen issues tracing back months. Conflict resolution in those cases really comes down to untangling all the bad feelings back to tangible conflicts. So that's where I start. Doing this requires tabling some parts of the conflict temporarily to work on one thing at a time. Most work conflicts come down to one of a few different sources: Situational causes (two people accidentally given the same job, or with goals that are opposing), Communication causes (someone not respecting how or when the other person wants to be talked with), performace causes (someone not delivering what they said they would). The trick is to unpack which it is and then find a way that everyone can adjust to address it.