Stakeholder Management

What messaging framework do you use?
Would love frameworks to share.
18 Answers
What does your product marketing team org structure look like?
Do you simply have Product Marketers by product/portfolio? Do you have a release communications manager? Someone in sales enablement? What other roles exist in your product marketing teams today?
15 Answers
How do you get the Csuite team to buy into a new pitch deck?
I just joined a new company, and their pitch decks are AWFUL and the sales teams are losing deals because of poor pitches. I'm working with a few key stakeholders to create better pitch decks, but several CSuite team members are apprehensive about trying something new because we'll be filing for IPO soon. They'd rather be consistently bad, then differently good.
6 Answers
How do you drive culture change with market research?
I'm hoping to influence Product and Design to talk to users more and build a clear picture of our user. The team will often refer to themselves as "the consumer" when they're not in our target demographic?
10 Answers
How do you manage people who don't necessarily report into you?
This could be while giving feedback on a piece of work? Or getting them to prioritise the project you're running.
11 Answers
What is your process for collecting user feedback?
Do you use ever use NPS or any other survey style?
9 Answers
How do you best structure and leverage beta releases to assist the product team (with iteration, feedback) and Product Marketing (positioning, messaging, enablement, onboarding)?
How do you collect information from users and disseminate between teams? What does an ideal timeline for a beta look like?
7 Answers
Who do you rely on as a marketing leader for advice?
Consider: Career Coach, Peers outside company, Peers at company, Others?
1 Answer
How do you split the PMM function vs general marketing function responsibilities, and how do you better manage this relationship?
Not to create divide or silos, but to be able to handover ownership at a certain stage whilst remaining involved
4 Answers
How do you balance getting feedback and buy-in with different stakeholders and resolving key differences while keeping the lift light?
The more input you ask for, the slower the process is to get stuff done, but the feedback and buy-in is valuable
1 Answer