Product Marketing
Product Marketing Stakeholders

Product Marketing Stakeholders

What can I include in my marketing portfolio to standout from the crowd as a product marketing candidate.
I'm new to Product Marketing. In the interviews that I've done, I am being asked to present a marketing portfolio.
16 Answers
What kind of PMM organizational structure is ideal for ensuring that PMMs are set up for success (in this case, to influence the Product roadmap)?
For eg: Should PMMs be aligned with PMs (we have a 3:1 mapping), or should PMMs be aligned with the market/buyer persona or something else?
5 Answers
What kinds of market research do you do to help shape the roadmap? And more tactically, what format do you share your analysis?
I'm tasked with doing market research -- voice of the customer, competitive intelligence, and doing internal interviews -- to segment a new market and define which building blocks we need and in what order to unlock this new market by different segments.
4 Answers
Should product marketers be "influencers" or "partners" in product roadmap decisions?
As an influencer you might just share market and customer research, competitive intel, etc. as another input for PM to consider in their own decision making; whereas if you're a true partner, you're discussing and debating with them, as equals, what product roadmap decisions should be and why, where PMs and PMMs bring different inputs and value to the table as equals. Thoughts on being an "influencer" vs. being a "partner" in guiding the product roadmap? Thank you.
4 Answers
How do you enable your sales team when the product teams decide to introduce a new product that targets a different persona, from your traditional buyer?
Would love to get your perspective on generating excitement around your new product, vs. continuous enablement on the core capabilities of your solutions
6 Answers
How do you manage launches when the product team has a difficult time sticking to timelines?
This makes launches pretty difficult to manage without creating large lapses in communication.
11 Answers
What messaging framework do you use?
Would love frameworks to share.
18 Answers
How do you track the assets that you create for various teams - Social media, Campaigns, Sales Representatives, other forums, email marketing
I create multiple assets on a daily basis and although I have a set process of who the asset will go to - be it a one pager, carousel or a blog. How to track if the teams you are sending the asset to, are actually using it or not?
1 Answer
Where does in-app copy fit in your org? (Under Product Marketing, Design or other?)
Particularly interested in technical products, but also curious for nontechnical.
14 Answers
What does your product marketing team org structure look like?
Do you simply have Product Marketers by product/portfolio? Do you have a release communications manager? Someone in sales enablement? What other roles exist in your product marketing teams today?
15 Answers