Influencing the Product Roadmap

7 Answers
How do you influence the product roadmap without clear monetization targets for new features/products?
It's clear there is an opportunity, but currently hard to see how big of an opportunity.
4 Answers
Have you ever been part of a launch where the eng/product team brought in product marketers or customers after work has kicked off (but before launch) and influenced feature development? What was that like?
Sometimes when product kicks off work they have assumptions about how people think about certain features. Marketing, support, and even customers can come to the table with real stories that may invalidate the assumptions product had early on in the feature dev process.
4 Answers
How can I make it easier for my team and stakeholders to work with me on the marketing launch timeline when engineering releases are sometimes delayed?
Any tips for setting expectations and not losing team’s trust while ensuring we have a timeline to work towards?
6 Answers
What template do you use when pitching customer/prospect priorities to Product leadership?
We have data points and a long backlog of features that need to be prioritized to help us win. I'm struggling to consolidate it into a consumable format for product to digest and decide
4 Answers
What advice do you have for a current product marketing manager who's looking to grow his/her career in product marketing?
What type of opportunities should current product marketers seek out in order to best position themselves to lead the product marketing function at a company?
7 Answers
How do you define between a customer(s) want or request and a feature that is actually needed?
Customers may want many things, but it might not always be the right feature to implement. How do you decide this?
4 Answers
What kinds of market research do you do to shape the product roadmap and build, buy, and partner strategy? And more tactically, what format do you share your analysis?
I'm tasked with doing market research -- voice of the customer, competitive intelligence, and doing internal interviews -- to segment a new market and what we need to invest in to increase market penetration.
4 Answers
How can I start making a change in my organization to influence the roadmap based on consumer insights?
I am at a company where Product builds the roadmap without many insights from Marketing or research.
8 Answers
What role should a customer advisory board have in influencing your product roadmap, and why?
Product marketing owns the customer advisory board but product management owns the roadmap.
7 Answers
5 Answers
How do you know when you have enough solid information to put forward a product suggestion?
This ties into convincing teams that a feature or change is needed. What level of evidence or research is needed to show that a certain feature or requirement is a "must have" on the product roadmap. "The competitor has it" is not always justifiable evidence.
4 Answers
How do you influence product roadmap as a product marketer.
This is an interview question we get all the time
4 Answers
How do you get teams to feel bought-in for research that they aren't leading?
One challenge I've had is that teams will disregard research if their team didn't lead it, even if it's centered on small, qualitative studies.
3 Answers