Product MarketingMessaging
Messaging Strategy

Messaging Strategy

15 Answers
How can a PMM effectively approach product marketing when the primary focus is not on a tangible product, but rather on intangible factors such as safety and reputation management?
This fintech company wants to boost its brand awareness for its products around safety. The goal is to articulate and drive marketing strategies to promote the positive impact of their brand and build up trust.
1 Answer
How do you split the PMM function vs general marketing function responsibilities, and how do you better manage this relationship?
Not to create divide or silos, but to be able to handover ownership at a certain stage whilst remaining involved
4 Answers
How do you showcase or describe to interviewers your work in messaging and positioning, without actually showing documented work?
Also, how to actually show its success, as this is something that may take awhile before seeing a growth trend and can you directly actually attribute a particular success metric on messaging?
11 Answers
What do you use or do to get people to buy into your positioning plans and consistently using them?
The product marketers job typically revolves around positioning a product. Sometimes, it can be difficult to align sales, marketing, and product teams around your positioning.
10 Answers
How would you tackle the issue when there are conflicting opinions on which key features to highlight in messaging?
For an upcoming product release Product Management/Product Marketing/GTM partners all have differing ideas on which features are the most important.
1 Answer
In your opinion, how much time and effort does messaging & positioning for a product take?
Assume you're starting from scratch, as a new hire or launching a new product
1 Answer
Who owns messaging and positioning in a product marketing org?
Specifically in the context of having only~2 product marketers, both of whom are counterparts vs. a team lead and direct report. On that note, if it's such a small team, who is best equipped to lead positioning and messaging (based on skill sets) or should this be a collaborative effort?
4 Answers
As a product marketer, what are some examples of the types of insights you used to gain insight from internal stakeholders?
Specifically types of questions that work best to draw out the information you need.
4 Answers
How do you as a product marketer create brand messaging that appeals to three highly distinct segments?
My company’s product (we’re a marketplace) serves three distinct segments with very different motivations. I’m struggling to create brand messaging that speaks to all three. Any advice on how to approach? Or is this a matter of needing to choose one segment to focus on?
6 Answers
How much effort is it to market products that create new categories? As in time and touches vs. existing products.
Or in other words, what is the education/definition effort vs. competitive differentiation effort in a known category
5 Answers
How do you measure the effectiveness of your sales content?
I'm struggling to determine whether my sales reps are actually using content, and if its helping them win deals.
8 Answers