Karen Sheffer

Karen Sheffer

Director of Product Marketing, Hibob


Karen Sheffer
Hibob Director of Product MarketingFebruary 7
Just like everything with limited resources, it's all about prioritizing. First, your resources. Can you take the time to do one deep dive per month? Per quarter? How vital is the research to impactimg your company's bottom line? If you don't have the capacity, or it's not enough consider hiring an intern part-time to help. I've had great success with this, plus it's a wonderful opportunity to mentor and guide a young person at the start of their professional journey.
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Karen Sheffer
Hibob Director of Product MarketingFebruary 7
If buyers are complaining you should listen. The art of messaging is not to be flashy or buzzy or trendy, it's to know your target audience and speak in their language. If you've heard some negative feedback take a moment to look into it, find out whether that is the view of the majority of your buyer personas. If you find that to be true, it's time to change how you communicate with your audience.
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Karen Sheffer
Hibob Director of Product MarketingFebruary 7
Think about where the bigger pain is for your organization. In product marketing lack of resources is usually the case, so you need to prioritize based on the needs of the company. you have major issues with churn I'd suggest starting with user personas, on the other hand, if sales are struggling to close deals, the buyer personas should be your priority.
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Credentials & Highlights
Director of Product Marketing at Hibob
Lives In Tel Aviv, Israel
Knows About Market Research, Technical Product Marketing