Brand Strategy

1 Answer
What can I include in my marketing portfolio to standout from the crowd as a product marketing candidate.
I'm new to Product Marketing. In the interviews that I've done, I am being asked to present a marketing portfolio.
16 Answers
How does your company define the difference between product marketing and integrated / brand / customer marketing?
Do you see value in having both roles, e.g. Integrated team works more closely with the creative team on seasonal/holiday/brand campaigns whereas Product Marketing works more closely with the Product team on product launches, user research/insights, positioning strategy, etc. I have found it challenging for Product Marketing to own all of this, and often see different skill sets from marketers who are great at creative brand campaigns vs. PMMs who are skilled at positioning a new product and bringing it to market.
8 Answers
What is the difference between "value proposition," "messaging," "pitch," and "story?"
Do you see these as separate, complementary, the same thing, or else?
7 Answers
What frameworks, methodologies or resources do you recommend to define and develop a brand?
At small companies, Product Marketers are often the ones to identify the need for a more cohesive voice and brand. What tools can we leverage to help guide our companies through developing a brand?
1 Answer