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What's the best way to articulate Product Marketing's value to other *marketing* teams where there may be duplication of work?

Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of Marketing | Formerly Mural, Twitter, Anheuser-Busch InBevJune 26

A lot of people will sum up the role of PMM as "the voice of the customer." However, this explanation falls short of clearly defining swim lanes and also crosses into other areas like customer marketing, content marketing, research, etc. The simplest way to describe the PMM role is "the voice of the product." Here's why:

  • As the voice of the product, you need to be focused on both the inbound and outbound sides of PMM

  • As the voice of the product, you need to be the connective tissue amongst all teams that touch the product or sell the product

  • As the voice of the product, your role is more clearly defined when working with other marketing stakeholders—PMM drives or is the approver of work related to the voice of the product

GTM Event
Wednesday, February 26 • 8:30PM PT
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