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What are some ways that junior and newer pmms can get greater exposure to the c-suite?

Eric Petitt
Eric Petitt
Glassdoor Senior Vice President MarketingMarch 18

(This answer from my fearless colleague Sophia Fox) As a junior pmm, recommend being strategic about the types of projects you work on, and in what capacity. Cannot emphasize enough taking the initiative to seek out and work with your manager and cross-functional partners to identify where pmm can uniquely add value to any key business initiative. Find mentors too. That’s their job, and it is part of yours as well. If you don’t find execs mentors who you feel comfortable with, I’d really ask yourself if you are at the right place for you. Then, show up.

As a pmm leader within an org, create as many opportunities to help garner greater visibility into the valuable work that your junior folks (and newer team members) bring to the table. And, whenever possible, if you are the catalyst, let their voice (and face) be in the forefront along the journey so that it is unmistakably clear that they are the primary lead on said initiative. This will not only create a culture of trust and excitement, but it makes your team stronger. Your executive team cannot ignore the contribution of every pmm member within your org.

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Jon Rooney
Jon Rooney
Unity Vice President Product Marketing | Formerly Splunk, New Relic, Microsoft, OracleApril 24

The best way a junior or newer PMM can get exposure to the C-suite is through their work on a specific project or initiative that rises to their attention. A lot of the work we do as PMMs doesn't (and generally shouldn't) get C-suite attention unless things aren't working. Sales enablement decks, launch BoMs, event booth staffing schedules and copy on product web pages generally doesn't warrant C-suite attention, but some things do. Notably, if you're a PMM working with a customer on an awesome story that shows up in a session or webinar then graduates to being a lighthouse customer story for prospects and investors, you could get C-suite exposure as the subject matter expert (SME). Other work that could get you an audience with senior folks would be pricing or packaging work if you conducted research or had an insight that unlocked something critical as well as any new insights you might have gleaned looking at customer usage data. Think about any insight that comes out of your work that could drive a major state change for the business - from target customers to what our offering should look like. One last way junior and new PMMs can get greater exposure to the C-suire is through delivering presentations, either internally or externally, in-person or virtually. You never know who's checking in on a webinar or breakout session that could be impressed by your knowledge, delivery and likeability. At the end of the day, PMMs are marketers and, as marketers, we're all in the communications business.

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