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What roles do you hire for when building a growth team?

Willie Tran
Willie Tran
Dropbox Group Product Manager, DocSend Growth | Formerly Mailchimp, CalendlySeptember 21

The areas I index the most when hiring someone:

  • Partial - Do they fall in love with their own ideas? If so, then I don't believe they will be a strong Growth PM. Given so many experiments fail, you want someone who is focused on answering questions about the user and the science of it all.
  • Analytical - They don't have to be a statistician, but they need to understand how to read the data and extrapolate user behavior from it
  • Collaborative - This is probably the most important part. A person shouldn't be hired based on their ability to generate good ideas. Even if they do a great job at the beginning, they'll run out eventually. A great growth team leans on their xfn partners to help come up with good ideas. Also when you involve them, you end up with a happier team
  • Logical - There's a reason why we do everything. Every change is intentional and has a further reason behind it. The ideal candidate is able to understand the decisions they're making and explain why they're doing it with rational data.
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Nicolas Liatti
Nicolas Liatti
Adobe Senior Director of Product Management, 3D CategoryDecember 7

The first question I ask is "what skillset does the team need?". And then I figure out the roles.

I would always start by what skills for the team, rather than specific roles. If you have a sales person that is doing the job of a growth PM, then use this person rather than hire specifically a dedicated PM.

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