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How can I improve my interviewing skills for a demand generation role?

Erika Barbosa
Erika Barbosa
Counterpart Marketing Lead | Formerly Issuu, OpenText, WebrootNovember 24

You can improve your interviewing skills in what I group as five different but complementary categories.

  1. Preparation: This is first and foremost. The more prepared you are the more confidence you’ll have. Regardless of what level you are at in your career, I’m an advocate for preparation. It will just take different shapes depending on the stage you are at.
  2. Get your reps in: The more experience you have interviewing for demand generation roles, the more improvement will become evident. This just takes time. Be kind and patient with yourself in the process and know you are playing the long game of continuous improvement.
  3. Stay up to date: Demand generation is a career path that requires staying curious, learning about the latest updates and trends, and knowing the latest and greatest. One day can go by where you can start to feel out of the loop from not learning. If you ever feel this way, remember the next best time to start up again is now.
  4. Do your research: Investigate what demand generation tactics are currently in-market. If possible, have a data-informed perspective. 
  5. Role-play: If you refer back to recommendation # 1 (preparation), you’ll see how this is a natural extension to preparation. Improvement is the result of preparation by way of getting your reps in. One way to do this is to role-play the interview with a friend or family. As human beings we are more confident with things that are familiar. If there is a specific sticking point that you practice and role-play with, it will feel more familiar and comfortable in the interview.

Some individuals are generalists while others are specialists in specific areas of demand generation. Be sure to educate yourself based on the path you are taking. The hiring manager will ask questions based on the path the role is intended to be.

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Laura Lewis
Laura Lewis
Addigy Director | Head of Marketing | Formerly Qualia, ProgressApril 7

Practice makes permanent, not perfect. The only way you can become a better interviewer is to practice - but to also get feedback on your practice so you can adjust what isn't working well. Sign up for mock interviews or career coaching classes at your local library or university. Ask a friend or trusted colleague to role-play an interview with you. If that's not available, ask your interviewer at the end. One of the best questions to close with is, "Do you have any concerns about my candidacy at this time?" or "Is there anything I could have done better during this interview?"

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