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How often do Marketing and Sales have joint meetings to discuss lead performance and campaign results?

Lindsay Rothlisberger
Lindsay Rothlisberger
Zapier Director, Revenue OperationsApril 25

At Zapier, Marketing and Sales collaboration is structured across various forums and levels within the organization, all with different levels of altitude, but all to report on, align and improve performance:

  1. Weekly Business Reviews: Held every week, these meetings focus on reviewing top-line metrics such as conversion rates for different sales motions. We discuss significant strategic shifts, like whether to increase investment in high-velocity sales motions based on recent successes and the trade-offs involved. These sessions also provide an opportunity for Sales Leadership to share customer feedback directly with Product Leadership, which helps in refining our offerings based on real customer reactions.

  2. Sales/Marketing Alignment Meetings: Also weekly, these meetings delve into the specifics of our strategic execution and how we can meet our revenue targets effectively. For instance, we might decide to concentrate our advertising efforts on a specific segment and assign a dedicated sales representative to validate this strategy. Additionally, we analyze the performance of various lead sources and hypothesize reasons behind any discrepancies in expected revenue outcomes.

  3. Campaign-Specific Working Groups: These groups consist of team members who are directly involved in executing specific campaigns across Sales, Customer Success, and Marketing. They meet weekly or bi-weekly to discuss the tactical details, evaluate what’s working, and adjust strategies as necessary. This includes experimenting with new messaging or tweaking tactics to improve lead response rates.

These structured interactions ensure that both Marketing and Sales are not only informed but also aligned on strategies, leading to more effective and cohesive campaign execution and lead management.

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