Question Page

How do you coordinate and work cross functionally with the demand generation/sales team to create commonly shared KPIs?

Ana Rottaro
Ana Rottaro
ClockWise Head of Revenue OperationsJanuary 10

Aligning on the definitions in the awareness to revenue funnel and transparency are the most important factors in making sure shared KPIs are successful. If teams understand the definitions, they know what to expect from each other in terms of deliverables and they can share responsibility if changes are needed to be successful.

  1. Create shared definitions of what is a qualified account or lead, what is a buyer, what is a champion, etc.

  2. Make sure you are tracking KPIs, leading indicators, and disqualification reasons so that it is clear where strategy needs improvement. You should be able to see lead generation, whether accounts have buyers or not, the source of these, how they have been treated by sales including number of follow-ups and speed to lead, and if the lead is disqualified it should be noted why.

  3. Create a dashboard tracking success to KPIs, leading indicators, number of qualified accounts generated, number of leads generated, the average time to respond to a new lead, the performance of sequences used on leads, the conversion rate of MQLs to SQLs, the conversion rate of SQLs to stage 2 opportunities, pipeline generated, the conversion rate of leads to closed revenue, median revenue generated. You should be able to see all of this by source/campaign.

  4. Review the dashboard in a weekly review of how things are tracking, what’s working vs not, and shared ideas.

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