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When running a refresh / update or complete transformation of messaging and positioning how do you kick this off in a structured way and then drive alignment?

Sahil Sethi
Sahil Sethi
Freshworks Vice President - Global Product Marketing | Formerly Klaviyo, Qualtrics, Microsoft, MckInseyOctober 5

Really good question.

I think of the following steps before a kick-off - a) Leadership buy-in b) Compelling story c) Project plan d) Customer validation and testing plan. Doing these well will naturally bring about strong alignment

First - Leadership buy-in . Make sure there is leadership buy-in and alignment if the project isn’t coming down top-down already. Spend some time explaining why we need a messaging refresh by tying it to company priorities (e.g. category creation POV, reflect new innovations and roadmap, helping improve competitive win-rates , new segment /vertical focus (e.g. going up-market), new user/buyer personas etc.).

Second- Internal storytelling - write a story and go on internal roadshows. The story should cover the Why (the Why of this project), the What (new messaging artifacts) and the How (customer/sales interviews, message testing ,timelines, enablement plan etc.). Spend most time with teams you need help with e.g. Sales teams for messaging validation, or CS for access to customers for interviews, or Product for roadmap and vision storytelling

Third- Project plans - Make a list of all deliverables that need to be created/updated , the teams involved and the expected timelines. You will need to go beyond creating a messaging framework and a pitch deck. The website will need a refresh. The PR boilerplates will be revised. All partner communication will look different. Your content/campaigns will need to align to new messaging. All customer facing teams (Sales/CS/Partners/Support/Services) will need deep enablement on the new messaging. Once you make the list, map the teams you have to work with. Give them a heads-up. Ask for partnership on this project. Give them ownership for the rollout of this messaging for their channels (E.g. the enablement team should be in charge of the roll-out plan with sales)

Finally - Customer validation plan. Be clear, and loud, about your validation and testing plan. Are you doing qualitative customer interviews ? Running message testing studies ? Do you have leadership check-ins already in place ? Have you identified champions from sales for ongoing testing and validation. Will you present at the Customer advisory board ? Will you run this by partners ? Timely check-ins and testing not only help you build a high quality messaging framework that resonates with the market, but also helps you manage the skeptics

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Julie Brown
Julie Brown
Project Product Fractional Product Marketer & Event Strategist | Formerly Securitas (STANLEY Security), Conga (Apttus), SAP, Aprimo (Teradata), Salesforce (ExactTarget)October 4

I like to utilize a document I call a message house. Having a structured format with each section outlined and definitions and examples at the ready can make for a great workshop experience and help keep stakeholders more focused and aligned.

Below are 2 articles I've written on the topic. Might be helpful in jumpstarting your next messaging project. Enjoy!

Part 1:

Part 2:

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The first step is executive alignment. When I start an engagement with a client, I do a thorough messaging audit including internal stakeholders, customers, and sometimes analysts. I analyze my findings, present them to the key stakeholders, and get their buy-in before beginning the actual messaging process. It's also important to note that some of these key stakeholders don't know what positioning and messaging are. They may not care. You'll need to educate them. Positioning is how your product fits in the world (product-market-fit) and different from alternatives. Messaging is the product's story to the outside world. 

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