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What SaaS tools are you familiar with when it comes to message testing?

Priya Gill
Priya Gill
SurveyMonkey Head of Global MarketingDecember 8

Momentive ;) In all seriousness though, I leveraged SurveyMonkey (now Momentive) in the past and of course, present for message testing, product name testing, product concept testing, etc. With our Market Research panel, there's access to over 50M people and you can find your ideal respondants by chosing from 50+ demographics and qualifiers: age, gender, job function, geography, and more. I highly recommend it!

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Molly Friederich
Molly Friederich Director of Product Marketing | Formerly Twilio, SendGridSeptember 15

Curious to see if others have had great experiences they'd like to share in the comments, as I haven't explored many bespoke message testing SaaS offerings! 

I've largely relied on simple survey tools like SurveyMonkey and solutions like Intercom or HotJar to gather data. I am really curious about more tailored solutions, largely for the efficiency they offer by being focused messaging tests. Having a single solution that measures how prospects enage with content and has proven strategies for when and how to surface prompts would be valuable. 

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Mike Greenberg
Mike Greenberg
SurveyMonkey Director of Product Marketing | Formerly AppleJanuary 4

Short answer: we use our own (Momentive) message testing solution since this is the market we're in and we have a market-leading product. Not to toot our own horn too much, but here's what I like about our offering that I would look for in any solution you're considering:

  • The respondent panel is built into the product, so you can target virtually any global audience you like without having to purchase and integrate a panel separately
  • You don't need to be a research scientist to use it: research and analysis methodologies are built in and driven by AI, so the solution will tell you in a clear way what's important and significant in the results so you know which message(s) resonate
  • The product works to filter out unreliable responses (for example, a respondent who speeds through the survey or always chooses the first option) to ensure good data
  • It's fast, delivering responses in a matter of hours

Overall, a Saas-based solution is worlds better (and cheaper) than the time and cost of outsourcing this to an agency. Attributes I'd look for are the built-in panel, ease of use, results that will clearly tell you what to do next, and speed to ROI.

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