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Many tech companies / founders don't understand marketing / undervalue it. How do you identify companies where marketing has a true seat at the table? Or how do you ensure you have a seat at the table?

Brett Queener
Brett Queener
Bonfire Ventures Managing DirectorJune 7

I think this is a really hard one. When I talk to marketers, they often feel like they are a square peg in a round hole. 

  1. FInd a company that really cares about marketing. What is the problem that they are trying to solve and why is that impactful? Why are they committed to it?

  2. Understand what they are looking for in marketing. More leads? A more compelling story? Is it that nobody sees the value of what you’re doing? Are deals not closing? You can’t create urgency? I’d ask the founder how they think through that. Remember the head of marketing is to make sure that you hit your numbers. You need to understand the challenges that your CEO thinks could impact your ability to hit that number. 

  3. I’d ask to talk to 5 of their happy customers. Do they really love the company? Their feedback will build the energy so that you do not have to create that as a marketer. 

  4. Talk to whoever owns sales and figure out what that partnership looks like. Often times when CMOs fail it is a disconnect with sales (or growth if product led).

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Chris Koehler
Chris Koehler
Twilio Chief Marketing OfficerJune 29

Well, hopefully your first CMO job is working for a Founder/CEO who understands the value of marketing and the best way to learn this is to ask the CEO how they think about marketing in the interview process. You’ll know pretty quickly if they just care about certain aspects such as pipeline, PR, or storytelling. If they understand it, great! But if not, you’ll have to earn your place. 

A couple ways to do that:

1. Think like a GM, not a Marketer. CEOs and Founders don’t think in Marketing terms and jargon. Relate to them in their language. How are you going to grow the business? What efforts will Marketing do to grow revenue and reduce attrition?  In this environment, how can we drive more efficiency in our spending and create healthier bottom lines?

2. Be accountable and data driven with metrics the leadership understands. Build a testing framework to show the impact of the team's work. Schedule regular reviews and brainstorming sessions to bring the Founder/CEO into fold so they also feel ownership.

3. Have a point of view on the business and the strategy.   Don’t just stay in your lane, but have it on the overall business and they will see you in a different light. 

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