AMA: Vadim Karnopelev ( on Market Research
January 29 @ 6:00PM PST
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We will email you Vadim's answers
to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
What does the final deliverable look like and who do you involve in the readout?
How do you competitively position a product?
How do you find out about evaluations in which your organization was not included? This question keeps coming up within client discussions. Other than waiting for a press release to come out, what are other approaches one might take? I welcome your thoughts.
Over your career, what best practices can you share with working with the sales team?
More specifically:
who are you speaking with? how often?
what are sales teams typically asking for? what types of things can you deliver on/what types of things are not feasible?
what steps do you take to keep things productive? what types of situations are not productive?