Ambika Aggarwal

AMA: Tremendous Head of Product and Corporate Marketing, Ambika Aggarwal on Market Research

October 8 @ 10:00AM PST
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We will email you Ambika's answers to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
How do you make sure to get feedback from decision maker, researcher/influencer in buy GN process and user.
How do you collect, analyze and share your customer feedback?
I feel like my customer feedback is scattered throughout surveys, Google docs, Google sheets, Salesforce, and Slack... It's pretty tough to get an over-arching view of my customer feedback on an on-going basis. Do you use any tools or have advice on how to collect, analyze and share your customer feedback?
How have you managed to curate and centralize customer comments, queries and complaints so that it becomes actionable to you as a product marketer?
We have various customer-facing teams that communicate with customers each and every day. Unfortunately, they all have different processes and therefore customer comments and questions are not organized in a centralized location. Some use Salesforce to track items, others just keep communications within their emails, and some do not track these comments and questions at all. Looking to see how you handle this for inspiration and/or ideas.
How do you decide which market research questions will move the needle most for your company?
How do you start an effective Voice of Customer (VoC) program on a shoe-string budget?
What research do you do upfront to inform your plan for opening new markets?
How do you organize/synethize data for creating personas?
I am in the process of developing personas, and the data will come from multiple sources such as reviews, interviews, and internal insight. Do you have a tool, template or best practices for organizing all these data points to make sense of it and then turn it into a persona?
How do you treat research from industry analysts within the mix of quant and qual sources?
How do you decide what data points to gather when doing market research?
What market research methods are you currently using to understand industry trends and customer behavior?
How do you recommend researching on a very limited budget?
How would you go about using customer research to build out a buyer's & customer journey resource?
How much time should be dedicated to Research before a launch?
How do you prioritize data and also share effectively for learning across the business?
How often do you reevaluate your customer segmentation criteria?
How do you approach market research when your PMM team is under resourced and it's tough just to keep up with core responsibilities?
How do we compare our pricing if all our SaaS competitors require an Enterprise Demo?
What is our niche is so untapped, we really don't have direct competitors yet? Great problem to have... but no review sites have our competitors listed, where should we start?
What type of market research is most important for product marketing?
What are the practical channels and steps for testing value props and key messaging.
What is the best use of limited time to research market trends and competitor activities? We don't have budget for tools like Klue or Crayon
How do you recommend surfacing customer/prospect/market/competitive insights and recommendations to the product and exec teams on a regular basis when standing up a new program? Any best practices for making it actionable?
Have any of you been in a scenario when your company was opposed to market research (b/c they thought it would take too long or cost too much money), but you were able to convince them that it was valuable? What steps did you take to convince them of the value?
Do you have any suggestions on how to approach market research in a niche and highly confidential industry?
Product marketing doesn’t exist yet at my company and we’ve done little to no market research yet. I’m currently building the business case to own this within my function. Any advice?
How do you conduct product market fit research?